Energy commodities
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Natural gas
Natural gas demand (EIA)
Yearly estimates of dry natural gas consumption by country, provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
Go to DatasetNatural gas supply (EIA)
Yearly estimates of dry natural gas production by country, provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
Go to DatasetGas prices (Pink Sheets)
Long monthly time series of natural gas prices published by the World Bank in its Pink Sheets database
Go to DatasetOil
Oil demand (EIA STEO)
Monthly estimates of oil consumption by country, provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
Go to DatasetOil supply (EIA STEO)
Monthly estimates of oil production by country, provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
Go to DatasetOil prices (Pink Sheets)
Long monthly time series of oil prices published by the World Bank in its Pink Sheets database
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